The DSGVO in mind and compliance firmly in view

Today, corporate cultures and forms of inter- and intradisciplinary collaboration are constantly changing. Companies that are not actively involved in this process and are not up-to-date are at acute risk of this fast-paced life. One major challenge is the cross-team sharing of content. Agility is too often at the expense of data security and compliance. This fuels the formation of shadow IT, one of the biggest threats to privacy and integrity in today's businesses. In the following guest article, Per Stritich, Vice President of Box in Germany, the provider of cloud content management, explains how companies need to redesign their work to be successful and effective in the future.

Cloud content management as an opportunity

As one of the answers to the challenge of maintaining a flexible and open culture of cooperation on the one hand and keeping an eye on security and cost aspects on the other hand, cloud content management (CCM) solutions are currently on everyone's lips. Thanks to cloud content management, employees can collaborate on shared content across locations and efficiently. It is not just about collaboration, but above all the storage and storage of data and content. If these are not managed in accordance with the new requirements, the entry into force of the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 will be more of a risk than a chance.

Working in the cloud as an advantage

With the implementation of cloud content management tools, the first step towards a flexible way of working is done quickly. The advantages are obvious: complex and time-consuming partial steps of communication processes are considerably shortened, the back-office work is reduced and the workplace is more unbound for the employees. At the same time, important information and data are kept in one place - in the cloud - which makes managing this data much easier. What most companies now need is the perfect balance between these personalized processes, the right way to capture and manage content, and an adaptation of their management approach.
Cloud content management can also be seen as part of a whole: The cloud is a catalyst for a multitude of other innovations that, over time, change the way people work and increase the need for business to become indispensable. The introduction of cloud-based tools means that companies are prepared for all these innovations, ensuring their own adaptability and smooth transition as technology changes.

Cloud Content Management within the meaning of the DSGVO

If the CCM solution meets the requirements of the DSGVO, it is advisable to set up the infrastructure first. A unified solution has the advantage over fragmented patchwork systems that all data collected about customers, partners or employees is based on one source and not on different databases, operating systems, applications, platforms, mailboxes & Co.

This not only reduces the workload but also provides an overview in all imaginable data processing processes. The administration can be centrally defined and controlled from a single interface. This is advisable in every way - in general, with the entry into force of the GDPR, companies must define guidelines on the extent to which data is stored, where it is stored, and how long it should be maintained on what basis. For this purpose, automation mechanisms can be used to meet this requirement and to simplify data protection. In addition to the centralization and automation of data management, encryption is also an essential criterion that should be used in the company's infrastructure as part of the DSGVO. "Security by Design" is a key concept of the regulation: Cloud Content Management has to be set up from the ground up with regard to data security. End-to-end encryption is mandatory here. It reduces the risks of data loss and data breaches of all users.

Conclusion: Work effectively and safely with CCM

Modern cloud content management solutions are more than just productivity. Rather, it's about a completely different way of serving and delivering information - and that's what it's all about in the future. Developing the way companies access information changes the way we work in the long term.

The key terms here are centralization, automation and encryption in the sense of simplifying and ensuring the security of all data and their processing. This is not only sensible, but in view of the imminent entry into force of the DSGVO also imperative. It's a challenge for companies as well as a chance: the regulation is one way to standardize data management to emerge as streamlined, agile organizations with a reduced network of service providers, data centers and formats. As companies optimize their cloud content management solution, they also streamline their overall processes, making services and products safer for everyone involved.
